The Consent Conundrum: How We Signed Away Our Free Will
It seems like everywhere we turn these days; we're confronted with a consent form. Whether it's a liability waiver for that yoga class that might stretch our flexibility to the limit, so to speak, or ticking the “I Agree” box on a 42-page document on a website, we’ve all become numb to it. Let’s be honest: if we actually read those terms and conditions, we'd probably never agree to half of them. Yet here we are, mindlessly clicking "Accept" because, really, what other choice do we have? Skip the service? Forgo the benefit? Who's got time for that?
It’s like a bizarre social experiment where we’ve all collectively decided that reading things is just too much work. Who needs the fine print when we can live dangerously and sign away our souls to get that “free” monthly subscription?
And let’s not forget about the ever-present cookie pop-ups on websites. We don’t want your cookies, okay? We’re on a data diet! Why can’t we just have a magical “Reject All” button for the Internet? Instead, we’re forced to navigate a labyrinth of cookie preferences like we’re on a scavenger hunt for the holy grail of privacy.
But it doesn’t stop at websites. Try downloading an app to your phone. You’re excited about the latest game, workout tracker, or meditation app, but before you can get to the good stuff, you’re hit with the “Privacy Policy,” another endless document filled with legal jargon that no one ever reads. You’re basically agreeing to give the app permission to access your camera, contacts, location, and quite possibly, the contents of your fridge. Who knows what we’re consenting to? Certainly not us, because we’ve already scrolled to the bottom and tapped “Accept” without a second thought.
But this consent craziness isn’t confined to the online world. Oh no, it’s infiltrated real life too, like when you visit the doctor and you’re handed a clipboard with so many forms, you wonder if you’re signing up to study for a medical degree. What about the real estate industry?
You’d think selling a home would be relatively straightforward. It used to be that by signing a brokerage contract, you’d agree to let Team Broady take care of everything. There was this thing called “implied consent.” Essentially, you gave us permission to share necessary information on MLS to get your house sold… Not anymore!
Now, we must get your “express consent” for everything, in writing. Enter the now mandatory consent form. Need to share a seller’s name and address with a potential buyer? Consent form. Want to send a client’s email to the notary for the closing? Another form. Want to send your client a Holiday card or email after their transaction is complete? Yet another consent form. And let’s be real: if you’re anything like the rest of us, you’re signing those forms just as blindly as you click “I Agree” for all those website terms.
But here’s the kicker: all this signing and clicking has a darker side. We’ve become so desensitized to consent forms that we’re not paying attention anymore. What are we actually agreeing to? Who’s reading the fine print? It’s a slippery slope when you’re handing over personal information without even knowing what’s being done with it.
In real estate, this poses an interesting dilemma. We’re all about transparency and trust – after all, you’re letting us sell one of your biggest assets. So, when we hand you that consent form, we don’t want you to see it as just another document in the bottomless pile. We want you to know exactly what you’re signing and why.
So, ask us for a verbal “condensed version.” We’ll be only too happy to oblige. After all, if we’re going to be signing our lives away, shouldn’t it at least come with a cookie?
At the end of the day, consent forms are there for a reason: they protect both sides. But there’s a balance to be struck between safeguarding your information and drowning in a sea of paperwork. And while we can’t escape the reality of all this formal consent, maybe we can at least make the process a little more bearable.
Please consider us for your next real estate adventure. We can be reached at 514-613-2988 or by email at