As a homeowner, it's completely normal for you to be acutely aware of all of your dwelling's imperfections. Many people who are thinking of selling believe that they need to fix or change all the little things they’d like to improve about their home before putting it on the market.
Our advice is... it's not necessary to make your home perfect in order for it to be perfect for someone else!
We all know there is a never-ending “to-do” list when it comes to home improvements, but that doesn’t mean you need to kill yourself trying to complete it. It’s amazing how many potential sellers will procrastinate and hesitate to take those first few steps towards getting the selling process started. They’ll think about this “list” they have drawn up and then get intimidated and overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the tasks they believe are necessary. It’s paralysis by analysis.
The first step–and often the easiest one–is to call us!
Rather than agonizing over what project you should be tackling, or which contractor you should be calling, simply pick up the phone and we’ll help guide you through those decisions with your best interests in mind.
Sure, we will likely give you some tips on what you can do to maximize your home’s value, but our approach comes from years of experience and expertise. We’re going to leave you with contact names and phone numbers for service providers we know and trust, and we’ll probably have a homework plan for you personally as well. Our plan, however, will be short, cost-effective, and focused on your ROI. In fact, we’re willing to bet that after meeting with Team Broady, you’ll choose our list over your list any day. That’s because most of your to-do's will become don'ts!
Whether you’re busy parents juggling full-time jobs and kids, or seniors considering downsizing, we understand how overwhelming the thought of selling can feel. That is why we have spent years learning how to customize a plan that will be specifically tailored to your needs and your situation.
The second step, and a great rule of thumb, is to fix what’s obviously broken, and finish what’s been started.
Many homeowners cause themselves undue stress over common home maintenance issues, until we point out that:
a) They’re normal.
b) They don’t need to be fixed, and it’s okay to just declare them.
c) If you and Team Broady decide together that they should really be taken care of, we have access to people who can help.
As a seller, you’ll be surprised how quickly the process all comes together once we’ve sat down with you and come up with a plan. Don’t hesitate to contact us today at or 514-613-2988 to find out what items on your to-do list are worth doing, and which aren't.